Supplier Companies

Supplier companies benefit from VRMA in many ways


Access to a Targeted Market

VRMA membership includes property managers and other professionals in the short-term vacation rental industry. Joining provides you with direct access to a targeted and relevant market for your products or services.

Networking Opportunities

VRMA offers opportunities for you to network with property managers, industry leaders, and other suppliers. Building relationships within VRMA leads to new business partnerships, collaborations, and increased visibility.

Exposure and Brand Recognition

Being a part of VRMA increases your visibility within the vacation rental community. Suppliers have opportunities to showcase their products, services, and thought leadership at VRMA events, gaining exposure and building brand recognition among current and potential clients.

Educational Resources

VRMA provides educational resources and events that help you stay informed about industry trends and challenges. This knowledge is valuable in tailoring products or services to better meet the needs of property managers.

Market Insights

By participating in VRMA, suppliers gain insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by property managers and other industry professionals. This understanding helps you refine your offerings to better address the specific needs of the short-term vacation rental market.

Advocacy and Influence

VRMA plays a key role in advocating for the short-term vacation rental industry at the legislative level. Suppliers can contribute to industry advocacy efforts and stay informed about regulatory developments that impact their businesses.

Collaborative Opportunities

Joining VRMA opens the door to collaborative opportunities with property managers, other suppliers, and industry professionals. This collaborative environment leads to partnerships that enhance the overall value proposition for vacation rental businesses.

Discounts and Cost Savings

VRMA membership comes with benefits such as discounts on event participation fees, advertising opportunities, and other offerings. These cost savings contribute to the overall financial benefit of your membership.

Industry Credibility

Being a member of a respected organization like VRMA enhances your credibility within the short-term vacation rental industry. It signals a commitment to professionalism and a desire to be part of the larger community shaping industry standards.

View Membership Categories

If you have questions or would like to talk to a member of our membership team, email us or call +1 (202) 367-1179.